history of iphone

The revolutionary history of iPhone, We are made by history

iPhone, the product by a company of courage and strong believes known as Apple, iPhone is the product to revolutionize the technology of the world with its every new release, iPhone is the product to push the trend. Let us dive into some history so we know how a Phone turned into iPhone.

January 9, 2007: iPhone

One of the founders of Apple, Steve Jobs was persuaded by the idea of interacting with computers by using fingers on the screen leaving the keyboard and mouse behind. To accomplish this idea Steve Jobs arranged the team of engineers and they started working to had a practical view.

Later this idea was changed to had the same technology on mobile phones and the project called as Project Purple 2. So, a phone came into birth designed by Apple in California and they called it “iPhone”. A revolutionary product which enabled the users to select menus, scroll the pages, open the applications and much more with just using fingers on a phone with the help of a technology called as “touchscreen”.

Apple was not the first to use this touchscreen technology on a mobile phone but the way of using it was more innovative and advance. So, touchscreen was the headlining feature of an iPhone which spread like a fire and arose a new trend.

iPhoneDisplayResolutioniPhone OSRear CameraBatteryPrice
iPhone3.5″320×480 at 163 ppi1.02.0 MP1400 mAhFrom US $499

iPhone was the most advanced and eye-catching product, in spite of having the high pricing of iPhone, Apple claimed in their press conference that they sold one million iPhones in just 74 days, that’s a pretty big hit. In total, Apple sold 6.1 million iPhones.

⇉ The Full Presentation Of iPhone.

June 9, 2008: iPhone 3G

Apple unveiled the iPhone 3G which changed the name of the old iPhone as “Original iPhone” Or “First iPhone” Or “2007 iPhone” or “iPhone 2G”. iPhone 3G had a resemblance with the Original iPhone with some hardware tweaks such as iPhone 3G had some better connectivity accessibilities such as 3G (Third Generation of wireless mobile telecommunication technology), Global Positioning System (GPS) and more.

On March 6, 2008 Apple released the Software Development Kit (SDK) to download free from their website and according to Apple’s CEO Steve Jobs it was downloaded 250,000 times in just 95 days. Through SDK making of apps for developers would be easy.

iPhone 3G was pushing the boundaries of software that it was released with iPhone OS 2.0 and with this version of OS Apple also released the “App Store” on July 11, 2008. App Store was a store of more than 800 apps at the time of its release and users can download apps from the App Store for free or can also buy them. These 800+ apps were unlimited according to human point of view.

iPhoneDisplayResolutioniPhone OSRear CameraBatteryPrice
iPhone 3G3.5″480×320 at 163 ppi2.02.0 MP1150 mAhFrom US $199

Many people did not buy the Original iPhone because of the high pricing but this time Apple reduced the price of iPhone 3G and gave the Original iPhone users credit of $100 in Apple Stores which brought Apple to hit one million iPhone 3G sold over the first weekend of the release of iPhone 3G.

⇉ The Full Presentation Of iPhone 3G.

June 8, 2009: iPhone 3GS

The iPhone 3GS where “S” stood for “Speed” and of course this was the iPhone which had the great performance. iPhone 3GS was the first iPhone with video recording capability of Video Graphic Array (VGA) 30 Frames Per Second (FPS).

iPhone 3GS allowed the users to give the voice commands to iPhone so the users can do their somehow daily work with Voice Control.

iPhone 3GS also enabled the Voice OverColor Inversion and Text Zoom which red the content on the screen, which inverted the color or theme of the phone for instance from white to black and green to purple et cetera, which allowed the users to zoom the text for better readability respectively.

iPhoneDisplayResolutioniPhone OSRear CameraBatteryPrice
iPhone 3GS3.5″480×320 at 163 ppi3.03.0 MP1220 mAhFrom US $199

Some reviewers said that iPhone 3GS had not a game changing update over the iPhone 3G except for the software and people can get software update on iPhone 3G with time so they can save their many rather than these reviews again Apple sold one million iPhone 3GS and six million downloads of iPhone OS 3.0.

⇉ The Full Presentation Of iPhone 3GS.

June 7, 2010: iPhone 4

iPhone 4 was the game changer iPhone in Apple’s history because iPhone 4 had different design as compare to previous iPhones according to Steve Jobs iPhone 4 was the slimmest iPhone in the market right then. The design of iPhone was changed from hump to flat back surface and it was looking like a rectangle and iPhone 4 had the antenna bands around it.

Apple introduced the term Retina display, it was the technology to produce more pixels even if the area was small or simply a technology to increase the pixel density of an area. This Retina display was integrated right into iPhone 4.

iPhone 4 was the first iPhone with front facing camera which allowed the users to capture the pictures (Selfie) and videos of their selves, because of front facing camera Apple also introduced FaceTime, it was an app which allowed users to call and see their loved ones and more.

Speaking of selfie let us dive into some history of selfie, the first selfie was taken in 1839 by Robert Cornelius and also it was the first picture of a human. Apple was not the first to introduce the front facing camera, these cameras were used in many phones in 2003 but again when Apple uses some technology it uses it to push the trend and the trend was on peak when the word “Selfie” was chosen “the word of the year” by oxford dictionary.

System On Chip (SOC) was previously designed and manufactured by Samsung for iPhones but in iPhone 4 it was designed by Apple but manufactured by Samsung. Name of iPhone OS was changed with iOS.

iPhoneDisplayResolutioniOSFront CameraRear CameraBatteryPrice
iPhone 43.5″960×640 at 326 ppi4.00.3 MP5.0 MP1420 mAhFrom US $199

iPhone 4 was the phone packed with features, with new design and a shape which felt great in hands so iPhone 4 get 600,000 of preorders in just 24 hours so you can imagine the sales of iPhone 4.

⇉ The Full Presentation Of iPhone 4.

October 4, 2011: iPhone 4S

2011 was the year of big happenings for Apple, Apple CEO Steve Jobs resigned from CEO’s chair on August 24, 2011 and recommended Tim Cook as a CEO of Apple in his letter.

Then in October Apple introduced iPhone 4S where “S” stood for “Siri”. Siri was a project of a company called as SRI International and this company was well-known by its virtual assistant services the project then bought by Apple and integrated into iPhone 4S enabling the iPhone to talk back to the commands of users. Voice of Susan Bennett was recorded as the voice of Siri.

iPhone 4S was the first iPhone to support carriers other than AT&T. With iPhone 4S many features were introduced such as iCloud, iMessage, Notification Center and more.

On October 5, 2011 the day after the unveiling of iPhone 4S Steve Jobs died, we have no words to explain that situation. After Steve Jobs death tributes started, Apple and many lovers payed tribute to Steve and the candles were lit up.

iPhoneDisplayResolutioniOSFront CameraRear CameraBatteryPrice
iPhone 4S3.5″960×640 at 326 ppi5.00.3 MP8.0 MP1430 mAhFrom US $199

Apple sold four million iPhone 4S in the first weekend and became the fastest selling iPhone ever probably because of the hype of Siri because Apple continuously pumped people that Siri is capable of responding or to talk back to every user command.

⇉ The Full Presentation Of iPhone 4S.

September 12, 2012: iPhone 5

Apple always wanted to make a product which can be able to do the daily work of the user more intelligently, more efficiently and more smartly so for Apple simple changes matters and iPhone 5 or some previous iPhones or some future iPhones will check this box of simply beautiful.

iPhone 5 was not an enormous update over the iPhone 4S but on seeing both devices side by side the first thing everyone had noticed, was the display, the display of iPhone 5 was larger than previous iPhones and it was more enhanced. iPhone 5 was the first iPhone to support Long-Term Evolution (LTE). iPhone 5 was also the first iPhone to introduce Panorama Mode which enabled the users to capture wide angle photos of 28 Megapixels (MP).

Previously Apple was using 30 pin connector to charge or connect the iPhone with other devices but iPhone 5 introduced Lightening connector which was smaller and faster and can also be able to plug from both sides so flipping it did not matter.

iPhoneDisplayResolutioniOSFront CameraRear CameraBatteryPrice
iPhone 54″1136×640 at 326 ppi6.01.2 MP8 MP1440 mAhFrom US $199

Apple had record of hitting millions and same situation here five million iPhone 5 sold in just three days and 100 million iOS devices were updated to iOS 6.

⇉ The Full Presentation Of iPhone 5.

September 10, 2013: iPhone 5c And 5s

Apple always introduced the new iPhone and lowered the price of previous iPhone but this time Apple just discontinued the iPhone 5 and introduced two new iPhones named as iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s at the same day.

Both these iPhones were released with iOS 7, with iOS 7 icons were changed a little more and the experience of using this iOS was watery. Tunes were new and more enhanced. This iOS was really an eye-catching Operating System (OS) over the previous ones.

Let’s talk about iPhone 5c, Apple wanted to release a new iPhone so Apple had to lower the price of iPhone 5 in spite of lowering the price, Apple just discontinued iPhone 5 and released a new iPhone 5c at lowered price of iPhone 5. iPhone 5c where “c” stood for “color”. iPhone 5c was released with five colors Green, Yellow, White, Pink, Blue with plastic back and also matching wallpapers to make the life more colorful.

iPhone 5c again had not an essential update over the iPhone 5 expect the colors for some people and some improvements which did not produced the Apple level smartphone.

Now let’s talk about some Apple level of making a smartphone and it was iPhone 5s where “s” stood for “security”. And yes, its headlining feature was in its name, Apple wanted to climb another step of technology and security so they integrated fingerprint scanner into iPhone 5s and called it as Touch ID. Touch ID was used to unlock the iPhone, buy or download apps from App Store, buy music from iTunes and more things quickly and securely with just your finger. iPhone 5s was the first phone with 64-bit architecture.

iPhone 5s had all the traditional updates such as camera which enabled burst mode, image stabilization and more, updates like combination of A7 Apple chip with M7 motion chip and more little tweaks.

iPhonesDisplayResolutioniOSFront CameraRear CameraBatteryPrice
iPhone 5c4″640×1136 at 326 ppi7.01.2 MP8 MP1510 mAhFrom US $99
iPhone 5s4″640×1136 at 326 ppi7.01.2 MP8 MP1560 mAhFrom US $199

As said earlier iPhone 5c was not the phone of Apple standard so the sales were also not according to Apple standard and Apple did not made a specific statement about that but whatever, Apple sold nine million iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s combined in just three days but we did not have the individual figures. However, we are sure that the ratio of iPhone 5s would be more than iPhone 5c.

⇉ The Full Presentation Of iPhone 5c and 5s.

September 9, 2014: iPhone 6 And 6 Plus

People then wanted bigger screens so Apple had to move from smaller displays to bigger displays for this purpose Apple released two new iPhones with pretty much the same specs but with different display sizes, iPhone 6 and 6 Plus with 4.7-inch display and 5.5-inch display respectively, the display was the main difference between these two models.

The major change was design, previous iPhones were a bit like a rectangle (which can stand with no support) but iPhone 6 and 6 Plus was rounded at the edges making it thinner than ever.

iPhone 6 Plus was taking advantages of its bigger display such as it supported the horizontal view in apps, users can also change the orientation of the home screen, bigger battery and more little differences between iPhone 6 and 6 plus.

iPhone 6 and 6 Plus had the same processor, design, iOS, camera, speaking of the camera which had a technology called as Focus Pixels which helped the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus camera to auto focus on the faces and objects that matters. The burst mode was also enabled in the front facing camera. The only difference between iPhone 6 and 6 Plus camera was that iPhone 6 camera had a digital image stabilization (also known as Electronic Image Stabilization (EIS)) whereas iPhone 6 Plus camera had an Optical Image Stabilization (OIS).

Third party apps can take advantage of Touch ID. iPhone 6 and 6 Plus were the first iPhones with Near Field Communication (NFC) chip built-in which gave privilege to iPhone 6 and 6 Plus users to use Apple Pay. App Store reached 1.3 million apps.

iPhonesDisplayResolutioniOSFront CameraRear CameraBatteryPrice
iPhone 64.7″1334×750 at 326 ppi8.01.2 MP8 MP1810 mAhFrom US $199
iPhone 6 Plus5.5″1920×1080 at 401 ppi8.01.2 MP8 MP2915 mAhFrom US $299

Every time Apple releases a new iPhone it has groundbreaking sales and same situation here in iPhone 6 and 6 Plus that Apple sold ten million iPhone 6 and 6 Plus in just three days.

⇉ The Full Presentation Of iPhone 6 and 6 Plus.

September 9, 2015: iPhone 6s And 6s Plus

iPhone 6s and 6s Plus where “s” stood for “speed” because of the number of factors, Apple introduced the 2nd generation of Touch ID and it was blazing fast that you might miss notifications if you put your stored finger on the home button and then press it.

Apple enhanced the way of using touchscreens back in 2007 with Original iPhone but in 2015 Apple introduced the next generation of multi touch with iPhone 6s and 6s Plus which was called as 3D Touch. When the user long pressed on an application’s icon, text in blue (number, address, URL) and more then 3D Touch showed the related information to that particular press.

The new M9 motion chip was embedded within A9 Apple chip which was always on and enabled the Siri present in iPhone 6s and 6s Plus to activate when the user says “hey Siri”.

On iPhone 6s and 6s Plus when we capture a simple photo it added the few seconds of frames behind and after that photo to produce the feature called as Live Photos then 3D Touch was used to play that live photo. When you captured the selfie from iPhone 6s and 6s Plus it used the Retina display to produce a True Tone Flash so the selfies were more bright and colorful. iPhone 6s and 6s Plus were the first iPhones for recording 4K videos containing 8 million pixels in every frame.

Apple has only two apps on Android Play Store one is “Apple Music” which was introduced on June 8, 2015 and the second is “Move to iOS” which was presented in iPhone 6s and 6s Plus event so the users can switch from Android to iPhone speedily so see “s” meant for “speed”.

iPhonesDisplayResolutioniOSFront CameraRear CameraBatteryPrice
iPhone 6s4.7″1334×750 at 326 ppi9.05 MP12 MP1715 mAhFrom US $199
iPhone 6s Plus5.5″1920×1080 at 401 ppi9.05 MP12 MP2750 mAhFrom US $299

The main reason that iPhone sales were increasing with every new release of iPhone was that Apple was launching every new iPhone in more countries so more people more sales. iPhone 6s and 6s Plus were sold 13 million times in three days from its release.

⇉ The Full Presentation Of iPhone 6s and 6s Plus.

March 21, 2016: iPhone SE

iPhone SE where “SE” stands for “Special Edition”. iPhone SE came into birth because Apple realized that they had sold 30 million 4-inch iPhones in 2015 and people still love them even after the release of Plus models so Apple shrank the size of iPhone 6s to 4 inches with rectangular design. The features, specs, iOS were all pretty much the same.

iPhonesDisplayResolutioniOSFront CameraRear CameraBatteryPrice
iPhone SE4″1136×640 at 326 ppi9.31.2 MP12 MP1624 mAhFrom US $399

Many people were not upgrading to new iPhone because they loved smaller iPhones so when iPhone SE was released it encouraged to buy that model so sales of iPhone SE were damn great that iPhone SE increased Apple’s market share.

⇉ The Full Presentation Of iPhone SE.

September 7, 2016: iPhone 7 And 7 Plus

If you have an idea to do something then you have to believe in your idea and muster up courage to act on it (your idea must not disturb the harmony of humanity), Apple got an idea to remove the headphone jack because they believe in wireless future so they have courage to do so, and they removed the headphone jack with iPhone 7 and 7 Plus and introduced AirPods (wireless headphones).

The design of iPhone 7 and 7 Plus was skinnier (because the headphone jack was removed) and it was more slippery (because it was polished with specialized compound). You press the home button to do your tasks until iPhone SE but in iPhone 7 and 7 Plus the home button was force sensitive combined with TAPTIC Engine (“tap” and “haptic feedback”) so you feel some of the actions you do on your iPhone 7 and 7 Plus with the help of vibrations.

iPhone 7 and 7 Plus both were the first iPhones with IP67 dust and water resistant. For the first time in iPhone stereo speakers were introduced so the sound on iPhone 7 and 7 Plus was more louder and crisp.

In spite of having different display sizes of iPhone 7 and 7 Plus the difference was also in camera department. iPhone 7 had a single 12 Megapixel (MP) camera with Optical Image Stabilization (OIS) but iPhone 7 Plus had two cameras one was same as iPhone 7 and other was a Telephoto lens so you can zoom in or out without losing the quality, it also enabled a feature called as Portrait Mode. iPhone 7 Plus camera also came with Optical Image Stabilization (OIS).

iPhonesDisplayResolutioniOSFront CameraRear CameraBatteryPrice
iPhone 74.7″1334×750 at 326 ppi10.07 MP12 MP1960 mAhFrom US $649
iPhone 7 Plus5.5″1920×1080 at 401 ppi10.07 MP12 MP2900 mAhFrom US $769

From Original iPhone to iPhone 6s and 6s Plus Apple sold One Billion iPhone and then taken an ironic step of releasing iPhone 7 and 7 Plus to increase its sales. One other important thing about Apple is that Apple always present a new product with such a great presentation that it feels like no other product is better than Apple’s product and somewhere it is true.

⇉ The Full Presentation Of iPhone 7 and 7 Plus.

September 12, 2017: iPhone 8, 8 Plus And X

It was the 10th anniversary of iPhone so Apple had to produce the most demanded and innovative product which can tell the world that how technology was changed from 2007 to 2017. So, Apple manufactured three new iPhones first and second was iPhone 8 and 8 Plus (respectively) and third was iPhone X. These three new iPhones were announced in Steve Jobs Theater located in Apple Park.

iPhone 8 and 8 Plus had again a similitude with iPhone 7 and 7 Plus respectively but some of the tweaks were again perceptible so let’s talk about them. iPhone 8 and 8 Plus both were the first iPhones with glass back so they enabled Qi wireless charging. With iPhone 8 and 8 Plus Augmented Reality (AR) in iPhone was introduced and Augmented Reality Kit (ARKit) for developers so they can make apps which can interact with real world objects. Portrait Lighting was introduced in iPhone 8 Plus camera so you had a studio lighting effects right from the camera app.

iPhone 8 and 8 Plus both devices were great but not explaining the world that how the technology was changed in a particular era so Apple introduced one more thing called as iPhone X (“X” was in Roman numerals meant for “10”).

iPhone X had an edge to edge display, to make this bezel less display the home button was to be removed and if the home button was to be removed then of course this was the removal of Touch ID, and we know that Apple has courage to look further so they did it. For security Apple introduced the Face ID in iPhone X which recognize your face to unlock by throwing 30,000 infrared dots with the help of dot projector on your face and creates a three-Dimensional (3D) image of your face and store it on local storage.

iPhone X had also some of the new gestures because the home button was removed. The camera bump was vertical and flash light was between the main camera and telephoto camera. All other features of iPhone 8 and 8 Plus were included in iPhone X.

iPhonesDisplayResolutioniOSFront CameraRear CameraBatteryPrice
iPhone 84.7″1334×750 at 326 ppi11.07 MP12 MP1821 mAhFrom US $699
iPhone 8 Plus5.5″1920×1080 at 401 ppi11.07 MP12 MP2675 mAhFrom US $799
iPhone X5.8″2436×1125 at 458 ppi11.07 MP12 MP2716 mAhFrom US $999

⇉ The Full Presentation Of iPhone 8, 8 Plus and iPhone X.

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