mobile app performance

Improve App Performance: Tips & Best Practices

Mobile app has become an important part of our daily lives, transforming the way we communicate, shop, and access information.

With millions of apps available on various platforms, developers face the constant challenge of creating high-performing apps that deliver a seamless user experience.

In this blog, we will explore essential tips and best practices to enhance mobile app performance. By applying these strategies, developers can ensure their apps run smoothly, respond quickly, and delight users.

Optimize App Loading Time

The amount of time it takes for an app to load is an important factor in determining how satisfied users are with it. When an app takes too long to load, users become annoyed and may abandon it.

Developers can utilise techniques such as decreasing the number of network requests, compressing the app’s assets, and using caching make sure that apps load quickly.

Reducing Network Requests: By minimising network requests, developers can reduce the amount of data. This data needs to be fetched from the internet, which speeds up the loading process.

Research shows that for each additional HTTP request, the load time of a web page increases by approximately 22 milliseconds.

compressing Assets: Compressing assets, such as images and videos, reduces their file sizes without sacrificing quality. Hence, the app can load these assets faster, resulting in a faster overall loading time.

Research shows that using caching can lead to a 25-30% improvement in loading times.

Catching Mechanism: Caching is the process of saving frequently accessed data on the user’s device locally. When the app is launched again, it can retrieve data from the cache rather than the internet, which is much faster.

This greatly speeds up the app’s initial load time and allows users to access the app’s core features more quickly.


Amazon reported that for every 100 milliseconds of improvement in page load time, their revenue increased by 1%. Similarly, Walmart experienced a 2% increase in conversion rates for every one-second improvement in page load time.

Optimizing App Loading Time

Efficient Memory Management

Effective memory management is essential for keeping an app running smoothly and avoiding crashes. When an app consumes too much memory or has memory leaks, it can slow down and become unstable.

Developers can use techniques to optimise memory usage and improve app performance.

Object pooling: is in which objects are produced and reused rather than created and destroyed repeatedly. This reduces the strain on memory resources and improves efficiency.

Lazy Loading: Lazy loading is another useful technique. It involves loading data or resources only when they are needed, rather than loading everything upfront.

This approach helps conserve memory and ensures that only necessary items are loaded, resulting in faster app performance.

Garbage Collection: Garbage collection is a critical process that automatically identifies and removes unused or unnecessary objects from memory.

It helps free up memory space and prevents memory leaks, which can occur when objects are not properly disposed of. By implementing garbage collection, developers can optimise memory usage and enhance app stability.

memory storage

For example, a study conducted by Facebook found that optimizing memory usage led to a 50% reduction in crashes in their app. Another study showed that memory optimizations in a popular gaming app resulted in a 30% improvement in performance and a 25% reduction in crashes.

Streamline User Interface

The user interface (UI) of an app is crucial for its performance and user experience. When the UI is overly complex or filled with excessive animations, it can make the app slow and unresponsive.

User Interface

The user interface (UI) is the point of human-computer interaction and communication in a device. This can include display screenskeyboards, a mouse and the appearance of a desktop

Optimising UI elements : It involves simplifying and decluttering the design. Complex elements require more processing power, which can slow down the app.

By simplifying the UI, developers can improve rendering speed and make interactions smoother.

Utilizing hardware acceleration: It is another effective technique. Hardware acceleration allows the app to offload certain rendering tasks to the device’s graphics hardware, resulting in faster and more efficient rendering.

This can significantly improve the performance of graphically intensive apps, such as games or media players.

Reducing unnecessary animations: It is essential for a smooth and responsive UI. While animations can add visual appeal, excessive animations can cause lag and delay user interactions.

By minimising unnecessary animations and focusing on essential ones, developers can enhance the app’s performance and make it more responsive to user inputs.

how ui impacts your overall app performance

For example, a case study by Google found that simplifying the UI of their Gmail app led to a 12% decrease in loading time and a 6% increase in user satisfaction. Another study revealed that reducing animation complexity in a shopping app resulted in a 25% improvement in app performance and a 20% decrease in user frustration.

Network Performance Optimization

Mobile apps often need to connect to the internet to fetch data or communicate with servers. However, if the network performance is slow, it can greatly affect how responsive the app is.

Using efficient protocols: protocols like HTTP/2 or WebSockets helps improve data transmission between the app and the server. These protocols allow faster and more efficient communication while also reducing latency while improving app responsiveness.

Data Compression:Another effective technique is data compression. File sizes reduce by compressing data sent over the network, resulting in faster transmission.

By compressing photos or videos, for example, the app can load content more quickly, improving the user experience.

How Lossless Data Compression Works

According to research, a one-second delay in website load time might result in a 7% reduction in conversions. In addition, according to a Google survey, 53% of mobile site visits are abandoned if the page takes more than three seconds to load.

Battery Life Optimization

Battery life is a significant concern for mobile users. When apps consume too much battery power, it can lead to frustration and users uninstalling them. To address this issue, developers should prioritize battery life optimization.

Minimizing background processes: It means limiting the tasks that apps run in the background when not actively used. Background processes consume battery power even when the app is not in use.

By minimizing these processes, developers can extend the device’s battery life.

Optimizing resource usage: It involves using system resources efficiently, such as CPU and memory. Apps that use excessive resources drain the battery faster.

By optimizing resource usage, developers can ensure that the app operates smoothly without putting unnecessary strain on the device’s battery.

Reducing unnecessary network requests : is also important for battery life optimization. Frequent network requests require the device to maintain an active network connection, which consumes battery power.

By minimizing these requests to only essential ones, developers can reduce battery drain and enhance the app’s efficiency.

Fix Play Services Battery Drain by Forcing It to Use Doze Mode

Study conducted by the University of Cambridge found that 60% of smartphone users consider battery life as the most critical factor when choosing a device. Additionally, a survey revealed that 47% of smartphone users uninstall apps that consume excessive battery power.

Testing and Monitoring

Thorough testing and continuous monitoring are vital for identifying and fixing performance issues in apps. Developers need to test their apps extensively on different devices, screen sizes, and network conditions to ensure optimal performance.

Testing on different screen sizes: It is important because app layouts may need to adapt and adjust to fit various screen dimensions. By testing on different screen sizes, developers can ensure that the app displays properly and maintains a good user experience across different devices.

Testing in different network conditions: It helps you to see how the app works under different network speeds and stability.

This is important because users may access the app in regions where network coverage is weak or internet connections are slow. Developers may find potential performance bottlenecks and optimise app by testing under different network settings.

performance bottleneck

According to a report by Dimensional Research, 80% of users will only retry an app once or twice if it fails to work the first time. Additionally, a study by Dynatrace found that 79% of users will leave a slow-loading app and never return.


In the world of mobile apps, it’s important to have an app that works really well. By following the tips and best practices mentioned in this blog, developers can improve their app’s performance, give users a great experience, and stay ahead of the competition.

Remember, app optimization is an ongoing process, and it’s important to keep up with the latest technologies and trends. By focusing on performance and making users happy, developers can create apps that people will enjoy and tell others about.

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